Saturday, October 1, 2011

Remember your leaders

Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.
Hebrews 13:7

I love this verse. It was one of the first verses I memorised after it replaced one of the heavy metal posters on my wall when I was 14. It contains great advice and is incredibly simple. We should exercise discernment as we consider who we want to imitate. I'm thankful for many leaders who have given me great examples for faith to follow.

A few days ago I heard that this Sunday is Pastors’ Appreciation Sunday. I thought I’d like to honour my pastor, Ps Jack Hanes, with a few words. He’s a leader who has certainly spoke the word of God to me, and I’d love to have faith like his. It seemed appropriate to honour Ps Jack’s style and go with an acrostic.

F – Faith, lots of faith. It’s not just something that he preaches.

A – Action to make the big and the tough decisions.

I – Integrity. I appreciate his preaching and example on real heart issues.

T – Truth. Always preaching the Word of God passionately and clearly.

H – Has other great attributes, like courage, humility and graciousness.

Thanks Ps Jack.