Monday, June 15, 2015

Boy / Man stuff

Boy / man blog

When I've taken young teenagers out for rites of passage activities I've often started by saying, "You're not boys anymore." 

Shoulders go back, chests puff out a little. A few exchange glances and nods. And then I finish my sentence. 

"But you're not men either." Then I've got their attention. I encourage them that they're on the journey towards manhood, a journey of learning respect, courage, wisdom and responsibility. A journey best taken looking toward good examples of men (and women) for inspiration and support. 

But I'm working through a new set of thoughts inspired by writing of a Franciscan priest named Richard Rohr. Next time I have such a chance to encourage young men I think I will say, "You're not just a boy anymore. You're becoming a man as well." Not as punchy but you'll see what I mean. 

As a man I must put away and overcome foolishness and self-centredness however there are great parts of childhood from which we should never let go. Rohr would say a healthy man holds hope and cynicism, fun and responsibility, fantasy and reality - in balance. 

Perhaps this is something like why Jesus meant when He encouraged us to have faith like a child. 

On a personal note this perhaps explains why I love working with young people and reading fiction for young people. Something about the amazing place in life where you've realised that the world and humans are far from perfect but you still believe that things can be better. 

Love to know what you think.