Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Glory is one of those Bible words that just keeps on coming up, yet it can seem mysteriously elusive and difficult to define.

When my son put me on the spot to explain what it meant my first thought was to get him to think about the awesomeness of a thunderstorm, something we both enjoy to watch. Later I looked in a dictionary to see if I could get some clarity but found that I was happier with the picture of the thunderstorm to understand it.

I think glory, like grace, is something that is better described through pictures and stories – better experienced than explained. God’s glory is revealed freely but it is easy to miss, like an ant walking over a gold bar looking for food.

Any idea of man’s glory, the triumphant hero, the victorious sportsman, is tangled with man’s ego. God has no need of such affirmation, He displays His glory for our benefit and because it simply His nature.

God’s glory is His greatness on show, His power and character displayed for the benefit of us.

What does it for you? What’s a picture that overwhelms you with God’s glory?