Monday, January 21, 2013

It's all in the eyes

I noticed that David mentioned eyes three times in Psalm 101, so I had a second look. It made me think about some important and deliberate things to consider about life.

What should I look away from?
"I will set before my eyes no vile thing" (Ps 101:3)

David makes a whole lot of "I will" statements in this Psalm - maybe it was New Years. These are deliberate statements of his intentions for his character and behaviour. All the "vile things" that I can't think of are media related but somehow even without internet access, David still had to make this aim. As he considered his life he thought about what he needed to avoid and ignore.

What am I showing from the inside?
"...whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart..." (Ps 101:5)

Our eyes are a big giveaway; it's hard to hide what's really inside. So our eyes show what is in our character and emotions. I thought it was useful to consider what I am showing with my eyes. I felt challenged recently about getting lazy with constantly checking my phone and thinking about what message this sends to those around me - especially my kids.

What will I focus on?
"My eyes will be on the faithful..." (Ps 101:6)

We can choose what will be our focus. Just as we can choose what to look away from, we can choose what we will look at deliberately. We can decide to focus on the positive, the worthwhile, the beautiful. We can choose to make our passion and our goals the main thing.

There you go. It's all in the eyes. We get to choose.