Friday, April 23, 2010

Sweet Relief

A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. John 16:21

Relief feels great.

A few nights ago after some prayer and ibuprofen I experienced specifically a wonderful relief. I had pain in my head for over twenty-four hours and it started to become like a migraine. After resting in the dark for a half hour or so I realised that the pain had gone. Wow. It felt good. Energy came back. My appetite came back. It was nine in the evening but I felt like running.

Last Saturday God gave me a seed of faith to believe that our son would be born that day. I blogged about it. I talked about it. I even started singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to him. It had been hard to keep believing. Josiah was induced after being 14 days overdue, Zoe was induced after being seven days late, at that time we were 9 days overdue.

Around midday it was becoming obvious that labour was starting – which was a first for us to experience at home. At 3:30 we arrived in the delivery ward. At 7:30, our beautiful Simeon Elijah was born. Beautiful and big at 5045gms, or 11pounds 2ounces. My wife is amazing!

God answered our prayers in so many ways. We felt so blessed – and so relieved. He came naturally, just before he was due to be induced. He came healthy and strong. And he even looks like daddy!

The joy of salvation is the joy of relief. Jesus has relieved us of being joined forever to the sin-nature, forever bound to evil and its work in our lives. Jesus gives us a brand new life. We walk in that wonderful relief. Phew!

And today Sarah and Simeon came home from hospital after a slightly extended stay due to some minor concerns. When I told the other kids this morning that they would be coming home they danced with joy (ie. like crazy monkeys).

It is such a blessing and such a great relief to have our family altogether and all at home. There’s been a lot of joy in the house today. Lots of laughter. Lots of silliness and crazy dancing.

What a relief! What joy!

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