Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holding hands through the waves

My Zoe knows how to enjoy life. I will never forget how she laughed hysterically as our plane flew through some nasty turbulence as we approached Darwin airport. Today, on holidays down on the south coast, I learned again from my precious, well-named, four-year-old.

We walked down to the beach and the kids wanted to get into the surf straight away. The waves weren’t all that big but the forceful white water could reach their shoulders and easily knock them over.

Zoe held my hand, jumping and giggling as she braced for each wave. I even tried holding both hands, letting her body flow and bob in the foam – she loved it!

Her trust in me is complete, there was absolutely no doubt in the strength of my arms to hold her and keep her safe. She could risk the waves easily - and joyfully.

What risks could you take, what adventures could you enjoy if your trust in Him was as complete?

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